
Monday, 4 April 2016

Basic SEO Introduction

What is SEO ?

SEO is a process to getting traffic on web pages and visibility on search engine with high rank on SERP.We do the seo for search engine i.e Google, yahoo, Bing etc. SEO provide unpaid result.

Benefits of SEO ?

There is a lot of benefit to using SEO for web page. Basically this technique is used to increase the ranking of web page for online marketing. The result of this ranking web page get more traffic it means this page is visited more than other web pages. We increase our business on the internet without pay any charges as well as without any prevention ,SEO is totally free techniques. We do the SEO of web pages in keeping the search engine techniques in mind.
There is Some benefits is given below

1 Create a better and more user friendly website
2 SEO grow your business
3 Help to Find new customers

4 Open your business 24*7 

How many type of SEO ?

There is two type of seo-:
  1. On page seo
  2. Off page seo

On Page SEO

On page seo we optimize the website internally in order to get high rank on SERP. we basically optimize the Content, Image and HTML source code of a page according to google parameter.On-Page SEO refers to many things that help website to rank higher. I'm going to mention basic things that is required during on page optimization.
  • Titles,
  • Page content,
  • Internal linking, Meta tags & descriptions,
  • H1 tag,
  • Broken Url,
  • Microdata Schema.
  • Url Structure
  • Keyword Density
  • Image seo

Off page SEO

Off-Page SEO refers to all the things that you can do directly OFF your website or by Using website url to help you rank higher. There are many method is used in SEO is given below --:

1. Link Building
SEO is process to getting traffic on web page and visibility on search engine with higher rank. We do the SEO for search engine i.e Google Yahoo, Bing etc.SEO provide unpaid result.

There is three option comes in link building given below;

(i) Directory submission
(ii) Book marking
(iii)article submission
(iv)Profile submission
(v) article sharing 

2. Forum posting
3. Blog Posting
4. Classified Posting

Why anyone do SEO?

Every business man who want promote their business on the internet must use SEO. Because at present everywhere our competitors are available whatever fields you belongs. To make your growth, you have to reach on top position. The same things happen on internet. People try to reach on the top position in search list, here SEO is the only way to get your position of web pages on the top. SEO make website best for search engine and makes web pages user friendly so that user can easily access web pages and can understand well. Both term is necessary for any web pages because may be you will be able to reach your website on the top position but if user unable to understand your content, You can not get profit and your purpose of doing SEO is useless. That is a reason we also include everything during creation of web sites on the basis of user's needs and provide everything in easy way. SEO avoid complexity for users from URL to footer.

How can increase business? 

Now a days people prefer to purchase things online due to lack of time and also avoid to go outside. To keep user's need in mind business man growth their business online. The process of growing business on internet is increasing fastly day by day.
To make growth for business SEO help a lot . It advertise your business on popular website where more visitors are available specially on social sites. According to your content and internal link (off page link) search engine help to take your website on top, the result of this ranking your web page has first priority for visitors . Whenever users search things related your pages , your web page appear first in list they without going another web pages they first check out your content. In this way your business increase.

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